New to psalm arrangements: worship aid graphics!

Yesterday I received some wonderful feedback from a follower of this blog. She suggested that it would be helpful to include graphics of the refrains of our psalm arrangements, so that they could be placed in worship aids.

In the past, I had tried bundling these files in with the regular PDF, but it was cumbersome and people had trouble opening both files when they were zipped together. But in the course of our correspondence, it occurred to me that I can offer these extra files as publicly-available downloads via hyperlinks right on the product pages themselves.

So, going forward, PsalliteDomino / ServiamScores will be offering refrain graphics on each psalm’s product page. Thank you to our reader for this wonderful idea!

If you have preferences about formatting, I’d love to hear from you, so that I can gauge what will be most helpful for everyone. At the moment, I’ve uploaded 5.5” wide graphics (US-Letter folded in half) but I can change this if there is a size that seems to be more highly favored. If you order a psalm whose page I have not gone back and updated, please feel free to email me requesting the graphics. I’m happy to provide them!


PS—do be sure to check out a few of our recent releases, particularly Psalm 24 for All Saints, and Psalm 23 for All Souls (the latter of which is based on the Dies Iræ and would be a great option for funerals all throughout the year).


Psalms for All Saints & Souls


Free Score: Anima Christi